Chiropractic or Massage: Which is the Best Bet for Your Back Pain?

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Chiropractic or Massage: Which is the Best Bet for Your Back Pain?

Lower back pain is an all-too-common condition in modern life. Studies show it affects over 80% of adults at some point in their lives. Lower back pain causes missed work days and missed social activities, which in turn affects our overall quality of life.  Finding your ideal solution to back pain can be confusing; should you see a massage therapist or a chiropractor for help? Both methods offer relief but treat different parts of the body. The experts at Dominguez Injury Centers treat thousands of patients each year, providing much-needed relief to our patients. Read on to discover the differences between massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments to choose the best option.  Lower Back Pain in Atlanta: Massage vs. Chiropractic  Living in one of America’s major cities, Atlantans are no strangers to stress-related lower back pain. We spend hours in our cars and at our desks as our muscles tense up.…

Sharp Pain or Dull Ache? When to See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

According to the CDC, back pain affects nearly 40% of Americans, robbing them of the ability to live fully. Many of those suffering don’t seek help, fearful they will need surgery that may or may not work. Luckily, the American Chiropractic Association reports that 94% of chiropractic patients experienced a 30% reduction in their pain. That’s very good news.  As experts in the field with years of experience, the team at Dominguez Injury Centers knows all about the life-changing power of spinal adjustments and supportive therapies. Read on as we share important facts about back pain and when you should consult a chiropractor for help.  The Struggle with Back Pain  Back pain affects people from every walk of life, profession, and age. Whether it’s elderly back pain, pregnancy back pain, occupational back pain, or post-accident back pain, the disruption to daily routines is the same, as mobility lessens and discomfort…

Stop Shoulder Pain in Its Tracks: The Power of Chiropractic Care

Shoulder pain can be a real downgrade for your quality of life. Everyday activities are diminished or halted altogether due to nagging pain. When even the smallest tasks cause chronic pain, it’s time to seek help.   The shoulder pain experts at Dominguez Injury Centers have helped hundreds of patients find relief from debilitating shoulder pain. We can help you too! Read on as our seasoned specialists share some important facts about chiropractic care for shoulder injuries.  Shoulder Pain - Can a Chiropractor Help?  When you have physical pain, it’s fairly common to consult your primary physician, a masseuse, or a physical therapist. However, chiropractors undergo intensive study of anatomy and the musculoskeletal system. They are uniquely equipped to diagnose the root cause of your pain and craft an individualized treatment plan that works for you.  Chiropractic care is an alternative, holistic option that helps you avoid surgery or dependency on…

Crack Your Neck Pain! 5 Ways Chiropractic Can Help

Living with chronic neck pain is not only debilitating, but it can also disrupt your social life, work performance, and emotional health. The compassionate specialists at Dominguez Injury Centers understand these unwanted disruptions and have helped hundreds of patients live pain-free lives without the usual surgical or pharmaceutical options. Read on as we share important facts about neck pain and how expert chiropractic care can restore neck function and vitality.  Understanding the Role of Your Neck  Your neck has a big job, and your body hardly makes a motion that doesn’t involve it. When you injure your neck, you discover this fact quickly. Your neck supports your head and provides range of motion to twist and turn on a whim. Because your neck is so central to body movement, it is easily thrown off track by accidents, repetitive movement over time, and even sleeping in a bad position.  Chiropractors study…

Hands-On Healing: Understanding the Role of a Chiropractor

According to The American Chiropractic Association, chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans annually. Chiropractic care has become an integral part of our healthcare system, offering alternative, natural treatments in lieu of surgery or addictive pharmaceuticals. Dominguez Injury Centers in Atlanta stand at the forefront of this effective care, offering hands-on healing to area residents.  Our years of experience empower us to deliver personalized care that aligns with your body’s needs. Read on as we share important facts about the role of a chiropractor and how our holistic approach merges age-old techniques with modern medical insights.  About Chiropractic Care in Atlanta  Atlanta is a thriving city, and its residents follow its rhythm by staying active. But sometimes, injuries occur that leave the body racked with pain. Many of our residents prefer an alternative to traditional medicine. That’s where chiropractic care can be a beacon of relief. In addition to back…

Whiplash Woes? Stop the Pain & Speed Recovery with a Chiropractor

When your head is jerking beyond its range, the muscles and ligaments supporting your spine may get stretched or torn. This resulting discomfort, known as whiplash, can severely impact your life. Dominguez Injury Centers has years of experience helping patients achieve lasting pain relief through personalized care. Read on as we break down the details of whiplash and how your chiropractor can help. What Is Whiplash and Soft Tissue Damage?  Whiplash is not solely a neck issue; it’s also a soft tissue injury in which muscles, tendons, and ligaments are pushed out of alignment. Imagine your neck as a symphony disrupted by an event that leads to swelling, sensitivity, and the unwelcome vertigo that often follows. Whiplash typically occurs after a car crash, leaving behind sharp pain and severe discomfort. These disabling pains can extend beyond the neck area, spreading outward and creating symptoms that disrupt your daily routine. Symptoms…

The Path to Recovery: How Many Chiropractic Visits You Need After an Accident

According to The National Institutes of Health, car accidents are a major cause of spinal injuries treated by chiropractors. It is also a beacon of hope for accident victims in search of alternatives to surgery or pharmaceuticals to control pain. Expert chiropractic care should begin as soon as possible after an accident to reap its full benefits.  The experienced chiropractic specialists at Dominguez Injury Centers value chiropractic care's crucial role in the healing process. Read on as we share our expertise regarding the typical treatment journey accident victims can expect and how many visits they’ll need to recover.   What Kinds of Injuries Do Car Accident Victims Frequently Experience?  Car accident injuries can manifest in various forms, like severe neck pain, soft tissue injuries, and blunt force trauma. The sheer force of the collision wreaks havoc on the musculoskeletal system, a chiropractor’s area of expertise. Only their specialized training can detect…

How Chiropractic Can Heal Your Body After a Car Accident

Every year, millions of people are involved in car accidents, leading to a wide array of injuries and painful complications. But what many of them don’t know is how beneficial chiropractic care can be after an accident. The National Library of Medicine published a report stating that chiropractic care within one week of an accident facilitates the best post-accident recovery. In fact, many chiropractors refer to this as “the golden week.”  Dominguez Injury Centers has long been a leading authority in the field of chiropractic and physical therapy and has years of experience helping car accident victims recover optimally. Read on as we share how chiropractic care plays a critical role in healing after a car accident.  What Kinds of Injuries Do Car Accident Victims Frequently Experience?  The most common injuries after a car accident are back and neck injuries, whiplash, fractures, herniated discs, broken bones, and muscle injuries. Each…

Your Road to Recovery: The Role of Chiropractic in Healing After Car Accidents

After suffering injuries in a car crash, you’re looking for pain relief and a quick recovery. The National Library of Medicine cites a study that found chiropractic care beneficial in alleviating pain without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractic care is one of the first remedies accident victims should seek on their road back to wellness.  Dominguez Injury Centers has years of expertise in helping car accident victims through targeted chiropractic care, which plays a crucial role in healing and restoring quality of life after accidents. Read on as we explain why your chiropractor may be the key to physical recovery and chronic pain prevention.  Should You See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?   Determining when to visit a chiropractor after a car accident is essential to reap the full benefits of this holistic treatment method. Symptoms indicating a need for chiropractic care can show up hours or…

The Winning Edge: Why Athletes Should Make Chiropractic Care a Routine

Athletes often see chiropractors to stay in peak shape. According to The American Chiropractic Association, 57% of all adults are likely to visit a chiropractor in their lifetime, and the figure jumps to 90% for athletes. Why is that? Because chiropractic care helps them with injury recovery and prevention, performance, and flexibility, among other things. It's like giving their bodies a maintenance check, so they perform at their best and have long, successful careers in sports.  The team at Dominguez Injury Centers has decades of experience in specialized chiropractic care for athletes. Our expertise and dedication have helped countless athletes, both professional and amateur, to maximize their potential. Read on to discover why incorporating chiropractic care into your routine could make all the difference in your athletic career.  What Is Chiropractic Care for Athletes?  Chiropractors specialize in treating musculoskeletal disorders using specialized techniques to help athletes achieve optimal performance levels.…